Taking Time to Slow Down During the Holiday Season

Pressures from holidays, family expectations, finances and end-of-the year work deadlines can bring a lot of stress during the holiday season. Caretakers generally face high stress levels and stress levels can be amplified during this time. It is important to take time to slow down during the holiday season and rejuvenate. Below are some self-care tips to make sure you end the year feeling rested and calm:

Whether you scribble notes or use your computer, take time this holiday season to reflect on 2019. What were moments that brought you joy? How did you endure difficult moments? What were you most grateful for? Take time to reflect on your year and the lessons learned. This will help clear your mind, bring a smile when you remember the good times and remind you of your strength during difficult times.

Taking a few minutes a day to clear your mind and sit still can bring many positive benefits. Often people talk about how they are unable to meditate or clear their mind for long periods of time. Taking just a few minutes will help you start a practice (yes, it’s a practice) and bring you back to your breath.

Schedule Social Events:
The holidays can be loneliest time for people. Reach out to family and friends and schedule a time to get coffee or go for a walk with them. Scheduling a few meetups in advance will give you something to look forward to.

Developing an exercise routine can be difficult but the mental and physical benefits are worth it. Most
people wait until after New Years to begin an exercise routine. However, if you schedule a few times to get moving at the end of 2019, you will have no problem committing to your goals in 2020. Walking is a great way to get exercise while also bringing mental health benefits.

Learn to Say No:
If people are pressuring you to commit to too many events, start saying no. Listen to your what your
needs are and if your mind is asking you to slow down, listen! We are no good to others if we do not take care of ourselves first.

Develop a Gratitude List:
Start a practice to think about 1-2 things you are grateful for each day. Scribble these down each morning or evening. Reminding yourself about what is working in life will help you remain calm during the holiday season.

Practicing a self-care routine is critical, especially during the end of the year. This can be the busiest time for people which is why it is important to create and maintain your practice! Self-care is very important for caretakers who spend most of their time helping others while their own needs are neglected. Use the end of the year to slow down and check in with yourself.

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