How to Finish the Second Half of 2020 On a Stronger and More Positive Note!

It is July and we are now halfway through 2020. This year has been difficult for many families.  But as we prepare for the second half of the year, we do know that self-care is more important than ever. Here are a few tips on how we are coping and making sure to prioritize our self-care:

Between navigating work schedules, family schedules, virtual social-schedules, and house obligations it can seem impossible to set a routine. However, it is important during the week to keep a routine for yourself and your family. This means getting up at the same time each morning, going to bed at the same time each night, and starting and ending work at the same time to help keep you calm and clearheaded. It is especially important to make sure to end your workday at the same time since it easy to keep working later hours since we are all at home.

For many people, sleep seems to be more difficult during these times. Create a sleep routine to ensure a long, restful night. Try to sleep at the same time each night, stop using electronics 1-2 hours before you sleep, and experiment with meditation apps or read before bed. Getting a good night’s rest will help set up success for your day and minimize any anxiety you might have.

Since many gyms are not open and most do not feel comfortable inside a gym, many people have not been as active as they once were. However, it is critical to move your body even if it is for 15-20 minutes a day. Going for a daily walk can clear your head and minimize stress. You can also find several workout videos online that range in time length like yoga, pilates, and barre classes.

While we are all adjusting to a less busy, less social life than before, it is more important to keep in touch with family and friends. Schedule Zoom calls and have social-distance hangouts in outdoor places. While we can’t be with one another during this time in-person, we can make sure to keep social and stay in one another’s lives.

This is a difficult time for many people. We know that is better to shelter-in-place during this time but it does not mean it is easy. It is very important to be easy on yourself if your days or weeks do not go as planned. Practice gratitude for what is working and find ways to laugh at what isn’t working. And remember this is a hard time for us all.

As we said, we are halfway through the year. Having a routine helps but not being hard on yourself is even more critical during this time. After a rocky first start, we now have some ideas of how to make the second part of the year stronger and more positive.

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