End-of-Year Reflections

In the spirit of reflection, I wanted to take a moment to look back on this past year. I started Care On the Way because I believe the technology we have today can make connecting caregivers to families seamless. We all know this past year has been anything but easy. And for most families, inviting caregivers into their home during a pandemic is no longer an option due to public health reasons. Across the nation, parents struggled to work full-time and manage their children’s needs, including taking on the additional role of being teachers. We have also seen many people experience loss and real hardship in 2020.


Needless to say, it was a year we will all remember.


For many of us, 2020 taught us what really matters, like prioritizing our relationships with family, friends, and neighbors. We will no longer take for granted our good health, and, we are getting rid of the physical and mental clutter that no longer serves us. Personally speaking, I have shifted my own priorities and I’m grateful to be embarking on a new adventure by starting a family of my own.


This new journey of mine, during one of the most challenging times in recent human history, has made me more committed to Care On the Way’s mission of helping families find the right caregivers: Finding the right connection should be an enriching experience for everyone involved.


We are strengthening our determination to help find the right caregiver for every family and look forward to introducing you to our app in 2021.


Until then, we hope you and your loved ones have a safe and healthy holiday season, and we wish you a bright and prosperous new year.


Happy Holidays,

Oscar Caicedo-Wong

CEO & Founder

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